Roasted Kohlrabi

Are you unsure what to do with kohlrabi? Mellow its radishy zing with a brown butter sauté and a little sage… then kick the flavor to the next level with hazelnuts and hot honey. With this Roasted Kohlrabi recipe, in less than 15 minutes, you’ll have a magnificent Meatless Monday entrée or a side for any day of the week.

Roasted Kohlrabi Recipe


4 heads kohlrabi, peeled and diced
1 stick butter
1/2 cup hazelnuts
3 sprigs fresh sage
Kohlrabi greens, optional
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tbsp hot honey


  1. Peel and cut each head of kohlrabi into bite-sized pieces. You can use the leafy greens in this recipe as well if you’d like, so wash and set them aside.
  2. In a sauté pan, add the stick of butter and cook until browned. Add the kohlrabi, hazelnuts, and sage; cook until the kohlrabi is tender, around 8-10 minutes.
  3. Add leafy greens and cook for an additional minute until wilted. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Drizzle with hot honey and serve immediately.

Recipes and Styling by Anna Calabrese / Photography by Dave Bryce / With Support from Buy Fresh Buy Local Western PA

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