Red Summer Punch

If you close your eyes and take a deep breath, you can almost taste the tantalizing flavors of summer dancing in the air. There’s a certain electricity, a palpable energy that courses through the veins of this day. The calendar flips, and with it, we find ourselves at the precipice of something extraordinary. Welcome to the first day of summer. And what better way to celebrate this auspicious occasion than with a cool beverage that embodies the essence of summer itself—Red Summer Punch? Raise your glasses and toast to the joy of summer and to the camaraderie of good company. Try this excellent recipe for Red Summer Punch for your feasting table.

Red Summer Punch Recipe


2 cups hibiscus tea, brewed very dark and chilled
1 cup gin infused with hibiscus tea
1/2 cup cherry cinnamon simple syrup (or strawberry cinnamon or raspberry cinnamon)
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup lime juice
1 teaspoon Kingfly orange bitters


For simple syrup:

Bring 2 cups water, 2 cups sugar, and 2 cups dark, sweet cherries (raspberries or strawberries) to a boil with two cinnamon sticks. Let boil for 4 minutes. When cool, strain into a jar and chill.

For hibiscus-infused gin:

Place 4 hibiscus teabags in a large mason jar with a fifth of the gin of your choice. Let sit for at least 24 hours. Remove tea bags.

Mix all the ingredients in a pitcher jar. Pour into tall glasses packed with ice. Sip slowly.

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Photography by Scott Goldsmith / Recipe and Styling by Keith Recker 

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